Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween 2009 - Heidelberg Style

It's that time of year again. Each Fall I begin to hope that perhaps this year Halloween will pass us by without the last minute panic for a 'legit' costume or some near-crisis in generating 'a look.' This of course was not the year for such achievement and the troops did not fail to disappoint with their same-day need for a Halloween costume.

This year the ward had their trunk-or-treat event early which means we were technically saved from the Panic on the 31st. I know as a real little sprout (kindergarten, 1st grade) I had hand-sewn costumes, but once the 70s really got rolling, I was on my own for making a costume. Since then, I developed a love for the unusual costume that made me laugh - I'm not so much about the ghosts, witches, or princesses.

When we moved to Silver Spring, Maryland in July 2004, we landed in an amazing church ward. There were so many activities to attend and fun people to socialize among. Since we were still unpacking from our move, our Halloween costumes were a no-brainer and we went as Family Home Evening. It's still one of my favorite costume nights! And John was such a good sport about the whole thing too.

This year, I offered Joe and Flower a couple ideas and they did the rest. Just a few euros on a couple accessories and the hard work was done. I love that Joe went as Eminem (our favorite rap star) and Flower found her own niche as Ms. M - complete with white go-go boots. They looked fantastic among the ninjas and hippies in the young women/young men at the ward Fall Festival.

Fun Halloween times with my people is where it's at.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Off to Market

Yes, I already know... I haven't blogged in recent weeks as much as I have until now. There's many things to have contributed to this ... sigh ... but mostly it's because I have been feeling a wee bit blue. Taking Marie off to college was absolutely necessary, but nonetheless sad for me. I am so pumped for all the great things she's doing (:bragging moment: her grades are thru the roof!).

At the same time, I started graduate school - WHAT?! - and have had to step up my game, academically speaking. So far so good, but I gotta tell ya the learning has been awesome and I feel very fortunate to be attending school at all.

In the meantime, our life here has rolled on as usual. We are regular patrons on Saturday mornings at the Marktplatz and make it a point to get out of the house and walking through our neighborhood. We enjoyed Reunification Day on 03 October - just by being in our community - everything throughout Germany was shut down except for restaurants and hotels. Anyway, this is a picture of today's booty. The celery is outta control!

I won a door prize and we are now the proud owners of this lovely hand crocheted market bag - don't hate. This snapshot was taken about 10ft outside the CityMarkt we go to when we need things from the grocery story. The fancy building in the background is the rathaus (City Hall). On Saturday mornings all the open-air restaurant tables are replaced with the fresh market - vendors sell vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, flowers, olives, bread, and wine.

Joe and Flower have a school break this month and we're planning a 3 or 4 day getaway - right now we're still taking votes, but we'll probably stay close to home... maybe Bern and Zurich?

Jack is due home 11 November. We're very excited about the prospect of him at home after two years of laboring in such a cold part of our Heavenly Father's vineyard. Of course, he'll be off to college in January, but it'll be good to have him home anyway. This snapshot was taken at the Siberia Zone Conference in June 2009. Jack is standing 2nd row, farthest right.

It's absolutely terrific to know that those feelings of being down will pass, a good life continues, and there is always always something new just about to take off. Living in the moment is where it's at.