Saturday, September 12, 2009

Beautiful September

This week we've managed to stay busy and have some very lovely experiences. While the week started off with a major federal holiday (Labor Day), it didn't impact the kids for school or anything about town. John did have the day off and it was great having him at home.

We enjoyed a dinner out, dining alfresco at a restaurant adjacent to the Marktplatz - the central plaza of old Heidelberg. Dinner was very affordable and delicious. John and I enjoyed apfel struedel with cream and vanilla ice cream. Soooo delicious. We're definately going there with my dad when he returns for a visit. Any other takers?

This week included the "Names and Faces" evening at Heidelberg International School. It was a terriffic event with parents, faculty, and staff. We had an opportunity to quickly visit with Joe's personal project teacher ... and here is Joe progressing quite well through sewing. Outstanding job!
After two months of waiting, John received his Garmin-Slipstream riding kit. He looked terrific wearing argyle as he headed out on his Saturday morning ride of a short 30 miles. He's such a hottie!
Since Joe and Flower and a friend of their's from school were providing volunteer service hours at the Boy Scout blood drive, I somehow got roped into donating blood. I haven't done that since 1986! And I'm not sure I'm in a hurry to donate again. I mean the cookies and juice are sweet, but ....

Time with my family day in and day out is completely where it's at.


  1. You guys look good. :) I can't believe you gave blood... ick! <3

  2. You guys do look great! And I am most impressed that you gave blood. I tried once years ago and passed out so I have never tried again. My hat's off to you. And YES we will take you up on the restaurant offer. Put it on our list of things to do when we come over.

  3. What a great week. Love the new bike outfit John and Joe that quilt is looking great... I'm so impressed you are doing it! Good for you mom for donating blood... you are a good woman!
